New Position: Research Fellow in Wave Structure Interaction
University of Plymouth | Apply by 19th December 2024
Apply now: Research Fellow in Wave Structure Interaction
The ARCHER2 GPUs webinar happened on Wednesday 31st of January. [Watch it here]
This user webinar discussed the new GPU nodes available in ARCHER2, while answering researcher questions.
The GPU Embedded CSE (eCSE) support Call opened on the 17 Jan 2024, closing on at the 16:00 on 19 Mar 2024.
GPU eCSE will provide support funding to the UKRI research community to develop software in a sustainable manner to run on GPU-based architectures. Researchers are invited to submit their proposal to develop software that facilitates research targeted at UKRI’s digital research infrastructure.
The Summer ’24 Call for Project Access (PA) to ARCHER2, via the HEC-WSI, is now open (closing date: Friday 31st May 2024).
This access mode is designed for 6-month projects with a large allocation of units (up to 25,000 CUs) for project runs.
Please visit the HEC-WSI Access Modes page for more details on accessing ARCHER2 via the HEC-WSI, including alternative access modes for smaller scale projects (which are permanently open for applications).
The Winter ’23 Call for Project Access (PA) to ARCHER2, via the HEC-WSI, is now open (closing date: Friday 15th December 2023).
This access mode is designed for 12-month projects with a large allocation of units (up to 25,000 CUs) for project runs.
Please visit the HEC-WSI Access Modes page for more details on accessing ARCHER2 via the HEC-WSI, including alternative access modes for smaller scale projects (which are permanently open for applications).
The HEC-WSI Annual Workshop 2023 is an event dedicated to the High-End Computing Consortium for Wave-Structure Interaction (HEC-WSI) community. This workshop is designed to heighten awareness of the HEC-WSI and its role in advancing WSI research on new and emerging HPC resources.
The Moody/CCP-WSI Joint Workshop 1 is an immersive workshop on MoodyMarine, a state-of-the-art software tool for modelling dynamic moorings and performing station-keeping simulations. Led by the developers of the software, this workshop aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of MoodyMarine and its vital role in hydrodynamics modeling.
The Autumn ’23 Call for Project Access (PA) to ARCHER2, via the HEC-WSI, is now open (closing date: Friday 20th October 2023).
This access mode is designed for 12-month projects with a large allocation of units (up to 25,000 CUs) for project runs.
Please visit the HEC-WSI Access Modes page for more details on accessing ARCHER2 via the HEC-WSI, including alternative access modes for smaller scale projects (which are permanently open for applications).
The 2.0 release of the Multiscale Universal Interface (MUI) general purpose code coupling library is now available.
Further details can be found on the MUI website and the library, along with a full repository of demonstration apps and a complete benchmarking/profiling tool to simulate coupling scenarios, can be found on GitHub.
The Summer ’23 Call for Project Access (PA) to ARCHER2, via the HEC-WSI, is now open (closing date: Friday 21st July 2023).
This access mode is designed for 12-month projects with a large allocation of units (up to 25,000 CUs) for project runs.
Please visit the HEC-WSI Access Modes page for more details on accessing ARCHER2 via the HEC-WSI, including alternative access modes for smaller scale projects (which are permanently open for applications).
OpenFOAM Parallel Performance Engineering Training Workshop coming in June, registration will open soon.
HEC-WSI – A new high end computing consortium in wave structure interaction (HEC-WSI) has been established
1st FOWT Comparative Study – Launch of the 1st FOWT Comparative Study to be held in conjunction with the ISOPE 2023 conference (19-23 June 2023, Ottawa, Canada)
CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4 – Launch of the next CCP-WSI Blind Test to be held in conjunction with the ISOPE 2023 conference (19-23 June 2023, Ottawa, Canada)

Applications are now closed for the 2nd CCP-WSI Hackathon to be held 29 June – 1 July 2022 in person at the University of Exeter. The theme is multi-physics code coupling. Participants will receive advanced training and advice in developing coupled software from experts, giving an unparalleled opportunity to produce sustainable, open-source codes and research outputs, as well as establish collaborations from the wider community.

The 1st workshop of WavE-Suite project is to be held online, 9:00am – 12:00 noon, 30 June 2022. Please register and a Teams link for the workshop will be sent before or on 29th June 2022.

Applications are open for the 2nd CCP-WSI Hackathon to be held 29 June – 1 July 2022 in person at the University of Exeter. The theme is multi-physics code coupling. Participants will receive advanced training and advice in developing coupled software from experts, giving an unparalleled opportunity to produce sustainable, open-source codes and research outputs, as well as establish collaborations from the wider community. Applications close at midnight on Friday 10th June 2022.

The next SUTGEF meeting will take place on 25 May in the Department of Engineering Science in Oxford and will run in hybrid format. There will be three talks relating to the EPSRC project “Extreme Loading on FOWT under Complex Environmental Conditions”. Please sign up by Monday 23rd May.

The CCP-WSI is pleased to announce, the 3rd CCP-WSI Code Developers’ Workshop will take place on the afternoons (U.K. time) of the 28th and 29th of April 2022. The Workshop is a free to attend, online event, hosted by the University of Manchester. The focus of the Workshop is on the theory and coding of code coupling technologies, particularly in the field of multi-phase fluid-structure interaction. Registration is open!

All material from the first CoSeC conference, part of Computing Insight UK is now available.

Congratulations to CCP-WSI community members Anna Feichtner and Omar Ahmed Mahfoze for recently passing their PhD vivas!

The first CoSeC conference, part of Computing Insight UK, will be on 9th Dec 10:00 – 16:00 virtually and in-person at Manchester Central convention complex. Early bird registration £50 until 19th November.

The ExCALIBUR workshop on Code Coupling Technologies takes place virtually on 3rd December 13:00 – 16.30. There will be talks from 5 main coupling libraries in use in Europe. Registration is free.

The CCP-WSI Comparative Study 1 is being run in collaboration with the ISOPE conference (ISOPE-2022). If you would like to participate, please email your expression of interest (EoI) to both and and, if you would like to submit a full paper to be included in the ISOPE-2022 conference proceedings, please attach a one-page abstract with your EoI before 15th November 2021.

Registration closes at 5pm Monday 11th October for the CCP-WSI Code Coupling Workshop (13-14 October 2021). It will focus on creating coupled solutions using an existing open-source software library so book your place now!

The 120th SUTGEF meeting will be held on 30 September 2021 at 2pm with speakers Prof Alison Raby and Prof Alessandro Antonini. Registration is open.

The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Special Interest Group (SPH SIG), part of the UK Fluids Network, are organising 3 “deep-dive” lectures: the first is on the 25th August 2021; the next is in October 2021 and the third is in December 2021. All of the details, including speaker info, talk titles etc. are available on the SPH SIG website.

The next in the ongoing SPH SIG virtual seminar series will be held on the 21st of July at 14:00 – 16:30. This will feature talks from 5 researchers about cutting edge SPH research. This is free to attend but registration is required.

Advanced notice of the next CCP-WSI training event. The CCP-WSI Code Coupling Workshop will take place 13 – 14 October 2021 and will focus on creating coupled solutions using an existing open-source software library.

ICE Publishing Awards 2021: CCP-WSI members awarded the Baker Medal (for third best paper overall) for the paper “Modelling of focused wave interaction with wave energy converter models using qaleFOAM”, part of the themed issue on the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 2.

The next CCP-WSI event is the Code Developers Workshop 2 taking place 7 – 8 April. Registrations welcome.

The themed issue (part 2) on the CCP-WS Bind Test Series 2 of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering and Computational Mechanics has been published.

The 119th SUTGEF meeting hosts two presentations to discuss the state-of-art wave energy technologies. To register, or for more information, please see here.

The 3rd UCL OpenFOAM Workshop will be held from 24th to 26th February, 2021. It aims to help beginners to start using OpenFOAM for their projects, as well as to create a platform for experienced users to collaborate.

The 2nd International Workshop, ‘Numerical and Experimental modelling of Wave-Structure Interaction’ boasts 16 speakers discussing a variety of topics. It is organized by IITMadras, City, UoL and UCL and runs 17 – 26 Nov.

The themed issue (part 1) on the CCP-WS Bind Test Series 2 of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering and Computational Mechanics has been published. Look out for further Blind Test Series 2 papers in later issues as well!

We are very proud to announce that CCP-WSI has received 5 more years of funding from EPSRC! This next chapter will connect together previously separate communities in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational structural mechanics (CSM).

The CCP-WSI You Tube Channel has been launched!

The next CCP-WSI industry engagement event is our third focus group workshop.

The 7th PRIMaRE Conference was attended (online) by over 210 delegates; 31 presentations and 25 posters plus 6 presentations from invited speakers and a panel debate featuring a range of leading figures from the marine renewables sector. The posters and recorded plenary sessions are now available via the PRIMaRE website.

An online webinar held to mark the end of the four year EPSRC-funded STORMLAMP research project. The event involved presentations on lighthouse research and other relevant areas from academics, heritage professionals and industry stakeholders. There were also discussions on future directions for related research. The presentations can be viewed on the UCL EPICentre youtube channel
- March 2020: CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3 publications – Main comparative study and contributions corresponding to the work of CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3 participants published in the International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering (IJOPE), 30(1).
- 28-29 Jan. 2020: Supergen ORE Wave Energy Roadmapping Workshop – Over 40 academics, policy-makers, funding bodies and industry professionals joined the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub for a two-day workshop looking to develop a roadmap for wave energy.
- 4th Dec. 2019: University of Plymouth, School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics launch event, Plymouth, UK; CCP-WSI partners attended and posters presented.
- 16-20 Sep 2019: The 1st CCP-WSI Hackathon was an exciting event with top speakers, training, networking, code development, including the potential to be an author on the 1st CCP-WSI repository release and much more. All set in an idyllic location with plenty of (optional) social events too.
- 16 Sep 2019: The next training workshop is entitled Introduction to CCP-WSI Code Developments and will take place in Belfast as part of the 1st CCP-WSI Hackathon although attendance at the workshop is still welcome for those not taking part in the hackathon.
- 16-20 Sep 2019: Save the date! The 1st CCP-WSI Hackathon will take place in Portaferry, N. Ireland. Watch this space or join the Community Mailing list to receive updates.
- 15-18 August 2019: Green Man Festival 2019, Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales. The CCP-WSI joined some of the world’s top research organisations in Einstein’s Garden providing hands-on demonstrations of offshore renewable energy devices in our miniature wave tank.
- 16-21 June 2019: The Show Case event for the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3 was held at the 2019 ISOPE conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- 9 May 2019: CCP-WSI representatives attended the 7th ARCHER Champions Workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland to discuss the current status and future of High Performance Computing in the UK.
- 8-9 Apr 2019: CCP-WSI representatives attend and present research on ‘Validating a numerical model for assessing entire floating tidal systems’ at the 7th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop in Oxford, UK.
- Jan 2019: CCP-WSI and Sofware Outlook recently completed an Embedded CSE (eCSE) support project entitled Developing Dynamic Load Balancing library for wsiFoam. Join the webinar on 6 Feb 2019 to find out more.
- Nov 2018: Ed Ransley attended and presented the CCP-WSI Project at the 4th Airbus/Ariane Sloshing Symposium at Airbus D&S site in Friedrichshafen, Germany.
- Nov 2018: Ling Qian and Zhihua Ma are guest editing a special issue for the journal of Water on ‘Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics for Marine and Offshore Engineering’. Please see: to contribute.