CCP-WSI organise outreach activities for the general public such as:
- taking part in locally arranged public lectures
- developing teaching materials for school visits and workshops
- running workshops and seminars for local school teachers
Below is a list of the CCP-WSI Outreach and Engagement Events since the beginning of the project. Conferences, workshops, outreach events, funding successes, linked project meetings etc. are all included!

CCP-WSI Outreach and Engagement Events
24-26 Feb 2021 |
17-26 Nov 2020 |
2nd International Workshop, ‘Numerical and Experimental modelling of Wave-Structure Interaction’
7-8 July 2020 |
7th PRIMaRE Conference
13th May 2020 |
STORMLAMP End of Project Workshop
March 2020 |
CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3 publications
6th Mar. 2020 |
“Extreme Loading on Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWTs) under Complex Environmental Conditions” (EP/T00424X/1; EP/T004150/1; EP/T004177/1; EP/T004339/1; EP/T004274/1), Project Kick-off
29th Jan. 2020 |
OES Task 10 webinar
28-29 Jan. 2020 |
Supergen ORE Wave Energy Roadmapping Workshop
4th Dec. 2019 |
University of Plymouth, School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics launch event, Plymouth, UK.
14-15 Nov. 2019 |
OES Task 10 Workshop, IBIS Hotel, Amsterdam, ND.
5th Nov. 2019 |
Supergen ORE Annual Assembly, Glasgow, UK.
5th Nov. 2019 |
Supergen ORE Early Career Researcher Forum, Glasgow, UK.
18th Oct. 2019 | CCP-WSI listed as one of the main themes in the ISOPE 2020 call 4 paper. |
16-20 Sept. 2019 | 1st CCP-WSI Hackathon, Portaferry, N. Ireland (in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast). |
16th Sept. 2019 | CCP-WSI training event – Introduction to CCP-WSI Code Developments, Belfast, N. Ireland (in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast). |
1-6 Sept. 2019 |
EWTEC2019, Naples, Italy. CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 2
15-18 Aug 2019 | Green Man Festival 2019, Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales. The CCP-WSI joined some of the world’s top research organisations in Einstein’s Garden providing hands-on demonstrations of offshore renewable energy devices in our miniature wave tank. |
19 July 2019 | 1st CCP-WSI Hackathon application call opens |
5-12 July 2019 | Visiting researcher Eirini Katsidoniotaki (Uppsala University, Sweden) hosted by the University of Plymouth supported by the CCP-WSI and PRIMaRE. |
3-4 July 2019 |
PRIMaRE2019, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
16-21 June. 2019 |
ISOPE2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3
9 May 2019 |
7th ARCHER Champions Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland
8-9 Apr 2019 |
Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop, Oxford, UK
6 Feb 2019 | Webinar on the CCP-WSI/Software Outlook Embedded CSE (eCSE) support project (eCSE12-08) entitled ‘Developing Dynamic Load Balancing library for wsiFoam’ host by ARCHER. |
22-26 Jan. 2019 |
The University of Plymouth’s Research Festival 2018, Plymouth.
22nd Jan. 2019 |
Supergen ORE Annual Assembly, University of Plymouth.
21st Jan. 2019 |
Supergen ORE Early Career researcher (ECR) Forum, University of Plymouth
17th Jan. 2019 |
115th meeting of SUTGEF, City, University of London.
7-8 Nov. 2018 |
4th Airbus/Ariane Sloshing Symposium, Friedrichshafen, Germany.
1st Nov. 2018 |
EPSRC project (EP/S011862/1) begins
8-10 Oct. 2018 |
3rd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2018), Lisbon, Portugal.
30th Sept. 2018 | CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 2 & 3 data release |
20-23 Sept. 2018 |
New Scientist Live, ExCeL London
17th Sept. 2018 |
2nd CCP-WSI Focus Group Workshop, University of Exeter
16-20 July 2018 |
1st CCP-WSI Pilot Study, COAST Laboratory, University of Plymouth.
5-6 July 2018 |
5th PRIMaRE Conference, Bristol, UK
14th June 2018 |
CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 1 Showcase Event (part of the 28th ISOPE Conference, Sapporo, Japan).
11-15 June 2018 |
6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6)/7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), Glasgow, Scotland.
25th May 2018 |
2nd CCP-WSI Training Event (Introduction to programming in OpenFOAM), RAL
24th May 2018 |
2nd CCP-WSI Repository Workshop, RAL
25th Apr. 2018 |
5th ARCHER Champions Workshop, Manchester
24th Apr. 2018 |
SSI/EPSRC ‘Workshop: Impact of international collaborations in research software’, Manchester
23rd Apr. 2018 | CCP-WSI Code Repository moves to |
7th Mar. 2018 |
Sustainable Software Institute (SSI)/JISC ‘Software Deposit and Preservation 7th Mar. 2018Policy and Planning Workshop’, London.
1st Jan. 2018 |
CCP-WSI/Software Outlook Embedded CSE Project (eCSE12-08) begins.
29th Nov. 2017 |
CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 1 data release
6th Nov. 2017 |
Modular Tide Generators Limited Project (iUK103499) Kick-off Meeting, University of Plymouth.
2-3 Nov. 2017 |
Supergen ORE Challenge Workshop (Transformation of the ORE system), University of Plymouth
25th Oct. 2017 |
SIG-WSI Kick-off Meeting, Manchester Metropolitan University
16-17 Oct. 2017 |
Supergen ORE Challenge Workshop (Wind), London.
12-13 Oct. 2017 |
Supergen ORE Challenge Workshop (Marine), London.
16th Sept. 2017 |
Institution of Mechanical Engineers – Cardboard Boat Race 2017 (supported by Plymouth and Devon Schools Sailing Association) (part of the Ocean City Festival 2017), Plymouth.
30th Aug. 2017 |
INORE/Supergen ORE/MaREI Workshop, Cork, Ireland.
29th Aug. 2017 |
CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 2 Introductory Event (side event at the 12th EWTEC in Cork, Ireland).
27 Aug.-1 Sep. ’17 |
12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Cork, Ireland.
27th July 2017 |
1st CCP-WSI Code Developers’ Workshop (as part of the Community Day at the 12th OpenFOAM Workshop), University of Exeter.
7th July 2017 |
Supergen ORE (EP/R010765/1) Initial Engagement Event (side event of the 4th PRIMaRE Conference), Southampton.
6-7 Jul. 2017 |
4th PRIMaRE Conference, University of Southampton
3rd July 2017 |
Headstart program, University of Plymouth.
28th Jun. 2017 |
27th ISOPE Conference, San Francisco, US
18th May 2017 |
School of Engineering Launch Event, University of Plymouth
13-14 Mar. ’17 |
OES Task 10 Project meeting, Amsterdam
18th Jan. 2017 | Members of the CCP-WSI successfully formed a Special Interest Group in Wave Structure Interaction (SIG-WSI) within the UK Fluids Network (UKFN) and the combined CCP-WSI and SIG-WSI Community Mailing List was formed |
14th Nov. 2016 | CCP-WSI members began participation in the Ocean Energy Systems (OES) (part of the International Energy Agency (IEA)) Task 10 on Verification and Validation of numerical models. |
2nd Nov. 2016 |
STructural behaviour Of Rock Mounted Lighthouses At the Mercy of imPulsive waves (STORMLAMP) Project Kick-off meeting, University of Exeter.
IDRA, Bologna
24th Oct. 2016 |
EPSRC Software Workshop
6th Oct. 2016 |
1st CCP-WSI Training Event (Software Engineering Workshop) held, RAL
12-14 Sept. ’16 |
2nd International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy (CORE), Glasgow.
9th Sept. 2016 | Key CCP-WSI personnel (E. Ransley) appointed as an ARCHER Champion. |
5-6 Sept. 2016 |
2nd ARCHER Champion Workshop, Oxford
14th July 2016 |
1st CCP-WSI Focus Group Workshop, City University of London.
5-6 July 2016 |
Headstart and Smallpiece Trust (Babcock International) courses, Plymouth
5-6 July 2016 |
3rd Partnership for Research in Marine renewable Energy (PRIMaRE), University of Bath.
26 Jun.-2 Jul. ’16 |
26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Rhodes
17th Jun. 2016 | Key CCP-WSI personnel (E. Ransley) joins the Software Outlook Project Working Group. |
12-18 June ’16 |
10th European Symposium of the International Network for Offshore renewable Energy (INORE), Nantes, France.
7-8 Apr. 2016 |
HPC-based CFD for Offshore Renewable Energy (HPC-CORE) Workshop, Lancaster University
25-27 Apr. ’16 |
4th Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS), Washington, D.C.
18-19 Apr. ’16 |
4th OpenFOAM User Meeting (UK and Eire), Exeter
8th Apr. 2016 |
1st CCP-WSI Repository Workshop, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL).
21-22 Mar. ’16 |
5th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop (OTE 2016), University of Oxford.
A Zonal CFD Approach for Fully Nonlinear Simulations of Two Vessels in Launch and Recovery Operations Project Kick-off meeting, University of Exeter.
15th Jan. 2016> | The CCP-WSI Code Repository is established on CCPForge |
15th Jan. 2016 | CCP-WSI Website goes live |
16th Dec. 2015 |
MTG Tidal Raft Platform Concept Project (iUK102217) 2nd Quarterly meeting, University of Plymouth
27th Nov. 2015 |
Supergen UKCMER Annual Assembly, Edinburgh.
18th Nov. 2015 |
106th Meeting of the Society for Under Water Technology’s Special Interest Group on Environmental Forces (SUTGEF), University of Oxford
2-4 Nov. 2015 |
3rd OpenFOAM User Meeting (UK and Eire), Liverpool.
20th Oct. 2015 |
CCP-WSI Kick-off Meeting, University of Plymouth.
19th Oct. 2015 |
Virtual Wave Structure Interaction (WSI) Simulation Environment Project (Software for the Future (SoFT)) (EP/K037889/1) progress meeting, University of Plymouth.