CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 5

June 2025

International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), Seoul, Korea.


The CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 5 will be held in conjunction with the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE). The Series 5 Test Cases will be released in October 2024 and the Show Case event for the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 5 will be held during a special session at the 2025 ISOPE conference in Seoul, Korea.

The CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 5 test case is entitled: Isothermal sloshing in a circular tank.

Blind test series 2

Submission Procedure

The Series 5 Blind Tests will be held in conjunction with ISOPE2025, Seoul, Korea. The CCP-WSI will host a track at the conference ‘CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 5’ in which relevant contributions to the conference proceedings will be presented. It is not mandatory for participation in the Blind Test but we encourage participants to submit an abstract to ISOPE2025 considering the Blind Test.

Test case priority list

The CCP-WSI Working Group realises that participation in the Blind Test Series 5 is wholly voluntary and that completing all of the test cases may not be possible for all participants. All contributions are welcomed but it is requested that the test cases are performed in priority order to ensure a meaningful comparison can be drawn between all of the submissions. The requested order (highest to lowest priority) is: 1HIBT5, 1VIBT5, 2HIBT5, 2VIBT5, 3VIBT5, 3HIBT5, 4HIBT5.

Submission format

It is requested that time series data be submitted for each test case as follows: 

  • A single, tab-delimited text file:
    • filename: <institution>_<caseID> (e.g. Plymouth_1HIBT5)
    • column 1: Time (in secs with t=0 being the start of the submitted data)
    • column 2: Free surface y-coordinate at left side wall (in mm)
    • column 3: Free surface y-coordinate at right side wall (in mm)
    • column 4 [vertical cases only]: Free surface y-coordinate at centre (in mm)

The files should then be sent to Scott Brown (email: and Stuart Colville (email: in a single .zip directory named according to the convention <institution>_BT5_submission (e.g. Plymouth_BT5_submission).

 [NOTE: please retain the order of the requested data as above and please do not submit additional data in these files]