Focused wave interactions with a submerged flexible membrane (CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 [formerly CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4])

Focused wave interactions with a submerged flexible membrane (CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 [formerly CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4]) image

The CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 (formerly the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4) consists of three test cases involving a submerged flexible membrane subject to a focused wave event. In addition to these focused wave cases, there are also a number of additional cases to enable characterisation of the structural properties and the hydrodynamic conditions. These characterisation cases include: empty tank tests, i.e. generation and propagation of the focused wave events in isolation, without the structure present, and; static equilibrium tests, i.e. measurement of the membrane position/shape in equilibrium under the action of gravity (both submerged and subaerial). These test cases, and the experimental data, have been delivered as part of the Flexible Responsive Systems in Wave Energy (FlexWave) project [EP/V040367/1]


  • Ed Ransley
Contact person
Ed Ransley


The CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 (formerly the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4) consists of three test cases involving a submerged flexible membrane subject to a focused wave event. In addition to these focused wave cases, there are also a number of additional cases to enable characterisation of the structural properties and the hydrodynamic conditions. These characterisation cases include: empty tank tests, i.e. generation and propagation of the focused wave events in isolation, without the structure present, and; static equilibrium tests, i.e. measurement of the membrane position/shape in equilibrium under the action of gravity (both submerged and subaerial). These test cases, and the experimental data, have been delivered as part of the Flexible Responsive Systems in Wave Energy (FlexWave) project [EP/V040367/1]

Experimental Set-up

The physical experiments were performed in the long ‘sediment’ flume in the COAST Laboratory at the University of Plymouth, UK. The flume is 35m long and 0.6m wide with a porous ‘beach’ at the downstream end. Waves are generated using a single wet-backed, piston wave maker (‘absorbing piston paddle’, 0.5m by 1.0m by Edinburgh Designs Ltd.). The water depth for the experiments was set to 0.7m (Figure 1).

The global coordinate system is defined with the z-axis running vertically (positive upwards) with z = 0 corresponding to the still water level. The x-axis runs in the direction of wave propagation (from the wave maker to the beach). The y-axis is defined according to the right-hand rule. The origin of the global coordinate system is located on the front face of the wave maker when at rest (19.36m upstream of the front edge of the membrane) on the centreline of the flume (Figure 1).

Figure 1: COAST Laboratory sediment flume dimensions, experimental set-up, position of wave gauges (WG)
and definition of global coordinate system
Figure 1: COAST Laboratory sediment flume dimensions, experimental set-up, position of wave gauges (WG) and definition of global coordinate system

Experimental layout (incl. wave gauges)

The experimental layout, incl. the wave gauge (WG) positions, is presented in Figure 1. The locations of the wave gauges (WG) (in the global coordinate system) are indicated by black circles and summarised in Table 1

Table 1: Coordinates of wave gauges in global coordinate system (NOTE: all values in metres) [see Figure 1 for coordinate system definition]
x coordinate 9.10 16.18 16.23 16.36 19.10 19.89 21.31 22.67
y coordinate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Membrane (and support frame)

Figure 1 shows the position of the membrane (and support frame) in the wave flume. The membrane is 0.998m long, 0.594m wide and 3mm thick (when unloaded). The membrane is clamped on all four sides using a bolted aluminium ‘sandwich’ frame. The details of the support frame are given below, however, due to the complexity of the experiment it is deemed acceptable for participants to assume the frame is rigid, even though this is not strictly true, and any discrepancies will be discussed in the analysis of the results. If participants would like to attempt to model the structural response of the support frame, as well as the membrane, we would be interested to receive results from simulations with both a rigid and with a flexible support frame if possible.

The aluminium frame beneath the membrane consists of 3mm thick, 998mm long, 13mm x 9mm angle section down the sides, welded to 568mm long, 20mm wide, 3mm thick flat bar running along the leading and trailing edges of the membrane/frame. The membrane is then clamped/sandwiched in place with 588mm long, 20mm wide, 3mm thick flat bar on the leading and trailing edges and 958mm long, 10mm wide, 3mm thick flat bar along the sides (Figure 2). This aluminium frame is then held in place (bolted) at each corner via a 30mm x 30mm x 30mm x 3mm stainless steel bracket and 30mm x 5mm stainless steel flat bar running vertically through the free-surface (Figure 2). The corners of the aluminium frame are assumed to be held rigidly by the stainless brackets and upright sections. However, the rest of the aluminium frame is relatively thin/flexible and cannot be assumed to be rigid.

The frame (and membrane) is positioned centrally in the flume (with a 3mm gap down each side), at a depth of 0.108m (from free-surface to top surface of aluminium cross members) (Figure 2) and with the front edge located 19.36m from the wave maker (when the membrane is in place WG6 is removed from the flume) (Figure 1).

Figure 2: Membrane/support frame dimensions, details of support frame construction
            and position of laser distance measurements (L) and strain gauges (S)
Figure 2: Membrane/support frame dimensions, details of support frame construction and position of laser distance measurements (L) and strain gauges (S)

Membrane deflection measurement

Figure 2 shows the positions of a series of membrane deflection measurements made using a laser distance sensor (labelled with an ‘L’ and a green diamond) throughout the test cases (the positions are fixed in the global coordinate system and summarised in Table 2).

Table 2: Coordinates of laser distance measurements in global coordinate system (NOTE: all values in metres) [see Figure 1 for coordinate system definition]
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
x coordinate 19.605 19.858 20.108 19.858 20.108 20.108
y coordinate -0.128 -0.128 -0.128 0.022 0.022 0.161

Support frame strain measurement

Figure 2 also shows the positions of a series of strain gauge sensors (labelled with an ‘S’ and an orange square) used throughout the test cases. Each strain gauge position (S) indicates the position of a pair of strain gauges (one on the upper piece/top face of the aluminium frame and one on the lower piece/bottom face of the aluminium frame. The strain gauges are fixed to the aluminium support frame (in the middle of the frame element). The positions of the strain gauges in the global coordinate system (when the frame is unloaded) are summarised in Table 3.

Table 3: Coordinates of strain gauges mounted on the (unloaded) aluminium frame in global coordinate system (NOTE: all values in metres) [see Figure 1 for coordinate system definition]
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
x coordinate 19.37 19.83 20.348 19.845 19.573
y coordinate 0.02 -0.289 0.007 0.289 0.289
z coordinate (top position) -0.108 -0.108 -0.108 -0.108 -0.108
z coordinate (bottom position) -0.117 -0.117 -0.117 -0.117 -0.117

Membrane material properties

The membrane in these cases is made of neoprene rubber. The material is used for hovercraft 'skirts' and has additives such as carbon black or micro-ceramic powers to improve abrasion resistance. As a result, the density, and stiffness, of the material (see Table 4) are greater than that of typical neoprene. To obtain the material properties, samples of the membrane material were tested using two alternative procedures based on the standards for ‘Coated Fabric Tensile Testing’ (ASTM D751) and the ‘Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers’ (ASTM D412). The properties of the membrane in the linear response region (up to a strain of 5 - 6.5%) are given in Table 4. The properties of the membrane in the linear response region (up to a strain of 6.5%) are given in Table 4. NOTE: we recommend the Young’s modulus value from the ASTM D412 test (Table 4) but, for completeness, the value from ASTM D751 is ~6.23MPa.

Table 4: Membrane properties [see Figure 1 for positioning in global coordinate system]
Rest length [m] 0.998
Rest width [m] 0.594
Rest thickness [m] 0.003
Material density [kg/m3] 1500
Stiffness [N/m] 4676.92308
Young's modulus [MPa] (ASTM D412) 5.9
Poisson's ratio 0.4884

To provide more information regarding the properties of the membrane and enable calibration of the numerical models. The position/shape of the membrane has been measure when in static equilibrium (both in air and when submerged). Table 5 gives the vertical position, in the global coordinate system, of the top surface of the membrane at each of the laser distance sensor positions in Figure 2.

Table 5: Vertical position, in the global coordinate system, and deflection, from perfectly horizontal, of the top surface of the membrane at the six laser distance sensor locations (L) when in air and when submerged. (NOTE: all values in mm) [see Figure 1 for coordinate system definition and Figure 2 for sensor locations]
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
z coordinate of membrane top surface (in air)[mm] -135 ± 2 -141 ± 3 -139 ± 2 -151 ± 2 -143 ± 2 -131 ± 2
Deflection from perfectly horizontal membrane (in air)[mm] -24 ± 2 -30 ± 3 -28 ± 2 -40 ± 2 -32 ± 2 -20 ± 2
z coordinate of membrane top surface (underwater)[mm] -127 ± 2 -132 ± 1 -131 ± 1 -143 ± 3 -133 ± 3 -114 ± 6
Deflection from perfectly horizontal membrane (underwater)[mm] -16 ± 2 -21 ± 1 -20 ± 1 -32 ± 3 -22 ± 3 -3 ± 6

Parameters used for wave generation

The waves, in each of the three blind test cases, are all generated using the EDL wave synthesiser and paddle control software. The displacement of the paddle is calculated using linear wave maker theory. 228 ‘fronts’ (components) evenly spaced between frequencies of 0.1 and 1.99167Hz (spacing = 0.025/3 Hz) are supply to the paddle control software based on a theoretical wave description. In these cases, the theoretical wave descriptions are all crest-focused (i.e. zero phase at focus location at focus time, phi sub focus) NewWaves based on a JONSWAP spectrum (γ = 3.3) with a peak period, T sub p = 1.4s, a theoretical focus time, t sub focus = 45s, and a theoretical focus location, x sub focus = 19.9m upstream of the wave maker. The three wave definitions differ only by significant wave height, H sub s, and the crest amplitude, Acr, which is given by A sub cr equals the square root of 2 times m naught times the natural log of 1000, where m naught is the zeroth spectral moment and can be approximated according to m naught = H sub s over 4, squared. Table 6 summarises the theoretical parameters in the wave descriptions used for wave generation in each of the three focused wave cases 1CS2, 2CS2 and 3CS2. A file containing the parameters describing the 228 fronts in each case (e.g. 1CS2_fronts.txt) can be found in the ‘Resources’ section below.

Table 6: Parameters used for wave generation in the three blind test cases
1CS2 2CS2 3CS2
Water depth [m] 0.7 0.7 0.7
Theoretical peak period, Symbol of theoretical peak period [s] 1.4 1.4 1.4
Theoretical significant wave height, Symbol of theoretical significant wave height [m] 0.015 0.03 0.04
Theoretical crest elevation, Symbol of theoretical crest elevation [m] 0.01394 0.02788 0.03717
Theoretical focus location, Symbol of theoretical focus location [m] 19.9 19.9 19.9
Theoretical focus time, Symbol of theoretical focus time [s] 45 45 45
Theoretical focus phase, Symbol of theoretical focus phase [°] 0 0 0

In addition, for each of the test cases, the physical surface elevation measurements from an ‘empty tank’ test are supplied in the ‘Resources’ section (e.g. 1CS2_empty.txt) to enable participants to compare the accuracy of the wave generation/propagation in their models before adding the structure.

Physical Measurement Data

The CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 (formerly the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4) is now an ‘open’ comparative study for validation of numerical WSI codes. Consequently, all the physical data has now been released to the participants. This includes:

  • the 'calibration' data released to participants of the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4, i.e.:
    • the surface elevation data from the wave gauges in the empty tank tests (see Figure 2 and Table 1 for the wave gauge positions) [available in the Resources section], and;
    • the deflection of the membrane in static equilibrium (see Figure 2 and Table 2 for position of membrane deflection measurements).
    (which were originally believed, to be sufficient to reproduce the incident waves in each of the focused wave cases with the membrane in place as well as to calibrate the material properties of the membrane);
  • new material property data (released to support the CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 following the transition from the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4), and;
  • the data from the focused wave cases with the membrane in place can be found at [add link].

Submission Procedure

To participate in the CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 we kindly ask participants to submit their simulation data based on the following submission procedure.

Schedule (subject to change)

The CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 is being run by the CCP-WSI independently. The findings of the Study will be presented at a CCP-WSI workshop (tbc). It is our intention to then produce a special edition journal (tbc) with the papers corresponding to the individual contributions from the participants and a main paper detailing the main findings from the Comparative Study. Please note, all participants in the Study (with eligible submissions of data) will be included as co-authors on the main paper (irrespective of individual contribution to the special edition journal). The schedule CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 is as follows:

24th Nov. 2023 Release of the CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 description
28th Mar. 2024 Deadline for submission of numerical solutions to the Comparative Study
Date tbc CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 workshop
Data tbc (proposed) Submission of papers to special edition journal (tbc)
Date tbc (proposed) Final submission of papers to special edition journal (tbc)

Empty tank simulation

It is requested that, for each test case/wave case, a corresponding empty tank simulation is also conducted (with a numerical mesh equivalent to that used in the wave cases with the structure included) and the data submitted as part of the Comparative Study. NOTE: Please remember that the physical measurements from corresponding empty tank experiments are available in the ‘Resource’ section.

For the empty tank submissions, it is requested that time series data be submitted for surface elevation recorded at the positions of wave gauges 1-8 (see Figure 1/Table1 for WG positions). For each empty tank case please submit:

  • A single, tab-delimited text file:
    • filename: {caseID}_empty_{institution} (e.g. 1CS2_empty_Plymouth) (NOTE: if you have multiple institutions, please separate with hyphens, e.g. 1CS2_empty_Plymouth-STFC)
    • column 1: Time (in secs relative to beginning of empty tank data, i.e. 0 - 64s)
    • columns 2-9: Surface elevation measurements (in metres)
      • WG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Membrane equilibrium position

It is also requested that the static equilibrium position of the membrane be calculated, both in air and when submerged, and the deflection (from horizontal) be submitted as part of the Comparative Study. NOTE: Please remember that the physical measurements from corresponding membrane equilibrium tests are available in given in Table 5.

For the membrane equilibrium position submission, it is requested that the z-component of the top surface of the membrane, in the global coordinate system (Figure 1), be calculated at each of the laser sensor positions (L) in Figure 2/Table 2 as well as at the additional positions (A) in Figure 3/Table 7.

Figure 1: COAST Laboratory sediment flume dimensions, experimental set-up, position of wave gauges (WG) 
and definition of global coordinate system
Figure 3: Additional positions (A) for deflection measurements

Table 7: Coordinates of additional deflection measurement positions (A) in global coordinate system (NOTE: all values in metres) [see Figure 1 for coordinate system definition]
x coordinate [m]
19.37 19.559 19.759 19.959 20.159 20.348
y coordinate[m] 0.292 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
0.200 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12
0.100 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18
0.00 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24
-0.100 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30
-0.200 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36
-0.292 A37 A38 A39 A40 A41 A42

For the membrane equilibrium position please submit:

  • A single, tab-delimited text file:
    • filename: 0CS2_membrane_{institution} (e.g. 0CS2_membrane_Plymouth)
    • row 1: Results from when membrane has reached equilibrium in air
    • row 2: Results from when submerged membrane has reached equilibrium
    • columns 1-6: vertical coordinate/z-position of top surface of membrane/frame, in global coordinate system, in metres at locations L1-6
    • columns 7-48: vertical coordinate/z-position of top surface of membrane/frame, in global coordinate system, in metres at locations A1-42

Focused wave cases (incl. membrane)

For the focused wave cases including the membrane/frame, it is requested that time series data be submitted according to the following:

  • A single, tab-delimited text file:
    • filename: {caseID}_full_{institution} (e.g. 1CS2_ full_Plymouth)
    • column 1: Time (in secs relative to beginning of empty tank data, i.e. 0 - 64s)
    • columns 2-9: Surface elevation measurements (in metres)
      • WG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    • columns 9-15: vertical coordinate/z-position of top surface of membrane/frame, in global coordinate system, in metres at locations L1-6
    • columns 15-57: vertical coordinate/z-position of top surface of membrane/frame, in global coordinate system, in metres at locations A1-42

Relevant References

The details, and all corresponding physical data, for the CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2 are published by the University of Plymouth and deposited in the University of Plymouth Research Repository (under embargo until completion of the CCP-WSI Comparative Study 2) with the citation and doi:

We request that this, as well as the citation for the main comparative paper for the study (tbc), be used as the source of the test case description and physical data.

Other relevant references include:

Publications associated with the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4:

  • Liu, W., Mahfoze, O. A., Longshaw, S. M., Emerson, D. R. (2023), CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 4 – Simulation of Focused Wave Interactions with a Submerged Flexible Membrane using the ParaSiF Framework, in Proceedings of the Thirty-third International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 19-23, 2023, Ottawa, Canada
  • Zhang, N., Yan, S., Ma, Q., Zhang, Y., Zheng, X., (2023), A numerical study on focused wave interactions with a submerged flexible membrane using SPH, in Proceedings of the Thirty-third International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 19-23, 2023, Ottawa, Canada

Publications associated with the FlexWave project's experimental campaign:

  • Puzhukkil, K., Wang, X., Yang, J., Borthwick, A., Ransley, E., Chaplin, J., Cox, M., Meng, M., Hann, M., Rawlinson-Smith, R., Zheng, S., Cheng, S., You, Z., Greaves, D. (2023), 'Hydro-elastic interaction of polymer materials with regular waves', in Proceedings of the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), 3-7 September 2023, Bilbao, Spain


Accompanying documents

Filename Description
1CS2_fronts.txt Wave fronts supplied to wave maker for wave generation in 1CS2 (and 1CS2_empty); tab-delimited text file (lines 1-3 - headers; column 1 - frequency (Hz); column 2 - amplitude (m); column 3 - angle (rad); column 4 - phase (rad)
2CS2_fronts.txt Wave fronts supplied to wave maker for wave generation in 2CS2 (and 2CS2_empty); tab-delimited text file (lines 1-3 – headers; column 1 – frequency (Hz); column 2 – amplitude (m); column 3 – angle (rad); column 4 – phase (rad)
3CS2_fronts.txt Wave fronts supplied to wave maker for wave generation in 3CS2 (and 3CS2_empty); tab-delimited text file (lines 1-3 – headers; column 1 – frequency (Hz); column 2 – amplitude (m); column 3 – angle (rad); column 4 – phase (rad)
1CS2_empty.txt Empty tank test surface elevation data for 1CS2 wave case (1CS2_empty); tab-delimited text file (line 1 - header; column 1 – Time (s); columns 2-9 – surface elevation at wave gauges WG1-WG8 (m))
2CS2_empty.txt Empty tank test surface elevation data for 2CS2 wave case (2CS2_empty); tab-delimited text file (line 1 - header; column 1 – Time (s); columns 2-9 – surface elevation at wave gauges WG1-WG8 (m))
3CS2_empty.txt Empty tank test surface elevation data for 3CS2 wave case (3CS2_empty); tab-delimited text file (line 1 - header; column 1 – Time (s); columns 2-9 – surface elevation at wave gauges WG1-WG8 (m))